Awkward Phrasing

When random thoughts need to be written down in a manner that makes you have to read it more than once to understand what exactly is being said. Also known as poor writing.


Writing for Television.

Those of you who know me are aware of my interest – nay, desire – nay, passion – nay, obsession! – in writing for television. Given that I am a neophyte writer, the odds of me getting a staff job on a network show stands at… oh, I don’t know… I never could retain the odds-making lesson in my statistics class.

But let me try to break it down a little bit. Things are about to get a little Socratic Methody, so, don’t be alarmed.

First, let us suppose that there are 85 scripted television shows in primetime., half hour and hour-long combined, comprised of 10-person writing staffs. This gives us a figure of 850 staff writers.

Next, let us suppose that the Writers Guild of America (both East & West) represents 18,000 television and play writers both in good standing and not staffed on a scripted primetime show.

Now let us suppose that out of the 18,000 unemployed, but experienced TV and play writers, 12,000 are over 40 years of age. Subtracting the older members (as most would not take story editor – bottom rung – staff positions) leaves us with a figure of 6,000 unemployed TV and playwrights with existing credits and experience. Those 6,000 are trying to fill the same 850 slots that I and other non-represented neophytes are eyeballing from afar.

Therefore, I have decided that it is in my best interest to strike out on my own and create my own series that I can write, produce and direct. With time, I plan to build an audience and distribute it on a recognizable platform in the hopes of drawing attention and, eventually, interested parties.

Part of the reason for the infrequent updates has been the development of this show. I don’t want to say much about it right now. I will simply say that I plan to do a comedy series, with the intention of posting it on YouTube and/or MySpace video. This is the future, my friends. This is the workaround to the lack of experience/who you know/who your father is (or was)/I didn’t go to USC or UCLA wall: The Internets.


At 8/26/2006 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to hear about it. You must email ;)


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