Awkward Phrasing

When random thoughts need to be written down in a manner that makes you have to read it more than once to understand what exactly is being said. Also known as poor writing.


Rage Walk.

I took a long walk down Olympic Boulevard today. After I dropped off my car at the dealership, I saw that I had missed their courtesy shuttle. The next one would not be available until 9, when I was supposed to be at work already. So, I walked across the street to the bus stop. My timing could not have been more fortuitous, because there was the nice Big Blue Bus waiting for me. I stepped in, asked how much, was told “75 sintz” by the bus driver, and then I stepped off. I didn’t have exact change. And before thinking to ask if I even needed exact change, the doors were closed and the bus was gone. I walked into a nearby gas station, broke my dollar into quarters and went back to the bus stop. The one I almost hitched a ride on was already 10 minutes behind schedule. Figuring that the next bus would be late too and wasn’t even scheduled to arrive until 8:55am, I decided that I should walk the 3 miles to Century City.

Turns out, taking the bus would have only saved me five minutes.

My logic was that a bus goes faster than I walk, so, if the bus is even reasonably on time, it should catch up to me and I’ll take it the rest of the way. As I got closer and closer to Century City, I realized that event would never come to fruition, so I high-tailed it in my sandals and Casual Friday attire. I got really pissed off about 1.25 miles into the trek because I knew I was going to be considerably late for work (40 minutes, all told). Then I got more and more upset as I used the walk to think about some other things that are upsetting me:

(1) Stop blowing up Lebanon! Now, I’m only half Lebanese, I was born in Northern California, and I am aware of no familial ties to Lebanon, but because my bloodline goes back there (since I was born of an adopted parent) I feel the faintest tinge of something when it comes to the military maneuvers of our perpetually strident ally, Israel. I am not qualified to discuss this serious subject at any length. Go to CNN or another news site to figure out the cause of these bombings. All I can say is that the Lebanese people don't deserve what's happening to them or their beautiful country. I've seen pictures and the land looks amazing. The people, though... wow. They might be more amazing-looking. Those Lebanese girls... wow. So, really, Israel should back the fuck off. Why risk harming those beautiful women? I’m upset about that.

(2) This really doesn’t hold a candle to the previous anger point, but it was swirling around in my brain during the long walk to work. I’m in a fantasy baseball league with old college professors of mine, and I have been lambasted something fierce by grown men due to a trade I recently made. I never thought I’d see people I looked up to acting so childish and whiny. Maybe Roy Oswalt for Nick Johnson isn’t smart, but it’s what I need right now, okay?!? And, really, if they’re just smarting because I didn’t go to them with an offer, then I must say that life past 30 really looks pathetic.

(3) Want to know something else that’s pathetic? Regret. I might have my own self-help scenario playing out. I’m realizing and vocalizing the regrets I’ve been carrying around for a while now. Then, I simply look at what I can do to make those regrets no longer regrets. If the situation is such that there’s nothing I can do to change that thing, goodbye regret. I’ve traced a lot of stuff back to my college days. Didn’t like them. Hated where I went. Can’t change that, though. I have the degree and everything. But, I can improve upon what I have. Go somewhere else. Get a Master’s. It’s what I’m strongly considering. My only problem with that plan is that I don’t want to master in film/TV but writing for television is still my singular focus. My next bit of self-help might be to have an open mind.


Music suggestion: In honor of my many morning steps, Walking in LA by Missing Persons.

THINE OWN SELF. Last time, Paul consummated his date with Rachel. It was his first time. Now, the sex is all he can think about. This confessional scene was added after the initial workshop in class. Initially, the religion angle wasn’t as strong, but at the suggestion of my class and professor, they thought that I had set that up and so I needed a payoff. The confessional scene really crystallizes Paul’s inner conflict, as you will note by the very on-the-nose dialogue. What follows from that is the beginning of this script’s controversy.

This was the first script I wrote in college. Before this, it had been Star Trek episodes, a Seinfeld, and half a Frasier. Suffice it to say, my first semester of college was more revealing than anything I had ever seen on TV or done in real life and I couldn’t help but fixate on the sexual aspects of my freshman year. I was later told by one of my English professors that writers almost always write about sex after they’ve had it for the first time. I think it’s because sex makes us feel so alive. Not only do we maybe feel connected to the other person, but it’s a life-affirming feeling to have sex. But Paul and Rachel’s sex, as you will soon read, is more an act of desperation and need.


Paul kneels in front of the screen, which promptly slides open. A SILHOUETTE of a PRIEST can be seen.

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.
It has been three days since my last

What troubles you?

I have succumbed to temptation, Father.
I have engaged in sexual intercourse with
a woman outside of marriage. What do I do?

Why do you feel that sexual acts are an
appropriate way to connect with a person?

Well, that's just it... I don't, usually.
I just... I don't know. I was caught up
in the moment, I suppose. I needed to
connect with someone.

I cannot tell you what to do; I can only
advise you. Your doubt is apparent.
Doubt is your sin, for doubt allows
temptation to run rampant within us.
Do you understand? Know what you want
for yourself.


Paul knocks on the door. Rachel answers. She is
beaming, and wearing nothing but a bathrobe.

Perfect timing. I just got out of the
shower. Come in.

Paul steps inside.


Paul barely gets a chance to look around, because,
immediately, Rachel is on him, kissing him.

How about we skip dinner?

Paul smiles. She smiles, then laughs. They kiss.


Paul and Rachel having sex in her bed, doggy-style.
Paul and Rachel having sex in the shower.
Paul and Rachel having sex on the floor.
Paul and Rachel having sex on the bathroom sink.
Paul and Rachel having sex in the closet.
Paul and Rachel having sex in the car.



The two have just completed a full night of intense sex. They lay on the bed, naked and totally drained.

Very nice.

You're fucking fantastic.

Rachel snuggles against Paul. He puts his arm around her. She rests her head on his chest, playing with his chest hair as she speaks.

Is my man happy?


(a huge smile)
Good. Is there anything else I can do
to make you happy?

Well, what about you? What do you want?

I just want to make you happy. Come on.
Tell me.

Paul ponders for a moment.

Well, I've always wanted to... no. I can't
say that. It's horrible.

No, come on! Please!

Well... I've always wondered what a
threesome is like. I'm sorry.

No! Don't apologize! I love hearing
your fantasies. Almost as much as I
love you.

She kisses him gently.


At 7/15/2006 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"All I can say is that on a base, emotional level, the beautiful country of Lebanon -- and its beautiful people -- is being bombed and separated from the rest of the world don’t deserve what’s happening to it, despite the justification Israel feels it has."

a. its should be it's if you are trying to reinforce its beauty, but are you saying the people are beautiful, too? Then it's right. It's ambiguous. In the second case the "is" after it would become an "are."
b. don't should be doesn't and should have an "and" before it.
c. I am very distressed that you had these errors in your writing. I would have emailed them to you but I'm lazy. I would have told you them when I talked to you later, but I wanted to write. Sorry, can't turn the teacher in me off.

the end.

At 8/03/2006 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 8/10/2006 7:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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