Awkward Phrasing

When random thoughts need to be written down in a manner that makes you have to read it more than once to understand what exactly is being said. Also known as poor writing.


Foreboding Dreams, Part II

Yesterday, I told you about a dream I had on Monday night. The Yankee Stadium dream was actually the first of two dreams. I don't know much about how REM sleep works, how dreams are ordered, etc. I will just say that it was like changing the channel. As soon as the one dream ended (abruptly), the next one began. And it began in a linear fashion, like the teaser for an episode of some show. Here it is:

I'm taking a nap in bed. I'm aware that it's something like 1:15 in the afternoon on a normal day in my apartment complex. Suddenly, I'm awakened by the crash of shattering glass. I peer through my blinds and see an apartment window upstairs and across the driveway from mine crash to the pavement. I stay very, very quiet. In my dream, I remember that the previous day I had read an article that somebody had shot Disney executive Nina Jacobson (a real-life Disney exec) in her apartment... which is right across and upstairs from mine. They didn't have a suspect and they didn't know the motive. Then, in my dream, I can picture the guy. He's African- American, afro, dressed all in black, and he's walking around our apartment building with an M-16. He doesn't look quite right, either. You can tell in his eyes that there's something wrong with him. For whatever reason, I now think he's after me. Sure enough, 8 minutes after the glass shatters, he comes through my window. But since I knew he was coming for me, I was able to hide and call 911.

The perspective changes from third person (I've been watching this whole dream unfold) to first person (I'm not a SWAT officer who arrives on scene). Now, as the SWAT officer, I'm in the living room of my apartment, my gun drawn, as I inch slowly towards the front door. For some reason, the dude with the gun who's been chasing me is back outside now. I approach the door. Suddenly, I pull a red shirt from my pocket and dangle it in front of me. As I open the door, I thrust the red shirt outside. This draws the African-American man near and I shoot him twice in the gut and chest three times. He's dead.

Then I woke up.


Some instant dream analysis:

Apartment: To dream about an apartment, symbolizes a financial or situational state. To dream of a shabby and dark apartment, indicates misfortune and possible loss of a lover or money.

Nap: To dream that you are taking a nap, suggests that you need to take a little time off to relax and take it easy. Give yourself a break.

Gun: To see a gun in your dream , symbolizes aggression, anger, and potential danger. You may be dealing with issues of passiveness/aggressiveness and authority/dependence. Alternatively, a gun can represent the penis and male sexual drive. Thus the gun may mean power and impotence. To dream that you shoot someone with a gun, denotes your aggressive feelings and hidden anger toward that particular person.

Glass: To see glass in your dream, symbolizes passivity. To dream that you are looking through glass, represents your openness and non-defensiveness. Alternatively, you may be putting up an invisible emotional barrier around yourself. To see broken glass in your dream, signifies a change in your life. You will find that a situation will come to an abrupt and untimely end.

Police: To see the police in your dream, indicates some failure to perform or to honor obligations and commitments. The police also symbolize structure, rules, and control. A more direct interpretation of seeing the police in your dream forewarns that you should avoid reckless behavior. To dream that you are a police officer, represents your own sense of morality and conscience. The dream may serve to guide you down a straight path. To see or dream that you are a police officer chasing a felon, indicates that your naughty and more devious side is in conflict with your moral standards.

Crime: To dream that you or someone commits a crime, represents feelings of guilt and shame. Your inner fears are hindering your growth and progress.

Adversary: To dream that you are confronted by an adversary, signifies that you will defend any attacks against your interest. To dream that you overcome an adversary, denotes that you will escape the effects of some serious disaster.

Afternoon: To see a warm and pleasant afternoon in your dream, foretells of long-lasting friendships.

African American: To see an African American in your dream, signifies your roots and heritage. You may need to discover the soul within your own self. Additionally, you are ready to be more expressive and creative.

Red: Red is an indication of raw energy, force, vigor, intense passion, aggression, power, courage and passion. The color red has deep emotional and spiritual connotations. Red is also the color of danger, shame, sexual impulses and urges. Perhaps you need to stop and think about your actions.


Tomorrow: A return to normalcy, with music suggestions, a topical discussion, Giants rant and the finale of my awful student screenplay, Thine Own Self.


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