Awkward Phrasing

When random thoughts need to be written down in a manner that makes you have to read it more than once to understand what exactly is being said. Also known as poor writing.


She Incited Me with Science.

I’m going to file this report under Scientists with an Agenda.

If you didn’t click the link to read the thing, here’s a summary:
“As adults, taller individuals are more likely to select into higher paying occupations that require more advanced verbal and numerical skills and greater intelligence, for which they earn handsome returns.”

You can find the abstract and ordering information (if you’re really interested) here.

The Agenda these two female scientists are advancing, I believe, is that these women are smart scientists worthy of their peers’ approval. According to the internet article, they are both 5’8”, taller than the average female. I think they are trying to use their study to gain acceptance into their own scientific community.

There are plenty of average or below average-sized people in this world who are super smart and plenty of above average-sized people who are dumber than sin (NBA, I’m looking in your direction).

I like how every year or so there’s some article like this. I like that every year I feel a tinge of misery when someone brings up my height and then claims that it is the reason for my station in life. Truth be told, my station in life is more likely the result of laziness coupled with my degree (and possibly from where I received my degree).

A lot of you inquired about the TV show I hinted at in my last post. All will be revealed in due time. I simply do not want to spread any information before I have all the details hammered out. Right now, my attention is on completing a pitch for a TV show.

I’ve had a headache for 48 consecutive hours. It’s sucking the life out of me. Kinda like watching Will & Grace for an hour.

Music suggestion: I don’t have one. But I do have a movie suggestion. If you get bored this weekend, have a drink, get together a group of friends and go see Beer Fest. Hilarious stuff.


At 8/31/2006 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the best headache cure ever - percoset. it's in the morphine family, and it's my best friend. ;)


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