Awkward Phrasing

When random thoughts need to be written down in a manner that makes you have to read it more than once to understand what exactly is being said. Also known as poor writing.


I Kinda Believe A Man Can Fly.

But the question is: Can he otherwise inspire a cynical world to believe it can be better?

With a belly full of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese and various gummy candies, I walked out of Superman Returns last night feeling empty. Here, I had just sat through two and a half hours of a film based on a comic book character that is the American icon and I just felt that I could have watched something so much better. Maybe it’s because America ain’t just that great anymore. We don’t lead the world in anything human. We are not trailblazers, inspiration for other countries – except, perhaps, to tyrannical ones. Aw, that’s a cheap shot. America is just bogged down these days. So, too, was this movie.

You can read better reviews anywhere else, so I’ll just limit my comments to good, but not great. And I’m always going to be a guy who gets taken out of a movie for a moment whenever there’s a virtual setting. The visual effects don’t always grab me. They irritate my caveman brain.

Mainly, though, Superman is supposed to take your breath away. He’s supposed to amaze us with his feats of otherworldly strength, his generosity of heart and his undying spirit. But I yawned a lot last night.

Damned if that Spiderman 3 trailer didn’t rock the shit, though.


My office has finally seen the wisdom in activating a contradictory cooling source when the ninth floor gets hot.


My sis in Iraq got a letter from the Governor of California. My mom began to read it to me over the phone this morning, but I insisted she read it in Schwarzennegger’s voice.


I’m trying to pick my next speculative script to write. I’d appreciate your input. Presently, it’s between a bounty hunter comedy and a dramatic stage play in two acts.

I worry about being consistently funny in the bounty hunter script and overwriting the play. I know what you’re going to say: Murph, you’re consistently unfunny and you overwrite everything.

Still, votes for one or the other would be appreciated. You can do so by clicking on the Comment Link.


At 6/28/2006 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my vote. write a story that involves your mother doing the governator's voice. i'd love to see that. :)


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