Awkward Phrasing

When random thoughts need to be written down in a manner that makes you have to read it more than once to understand what exactly is being said. Also known as poor writing.


A Rush of Blood to the Head.

Where does your inspiration come from? Does it come from a magnificent day? Does it come from a child’s laugh? Or does it come from a place within you?

I read “the end is the beginning.” Similarly, screenwriters are taught that if you’re having troubles with the middle and the end that you probably have something wrong with your beginning. Keeping these similar thoughts in mind, my inspiration has gone kerplunk.

I found my inspiration earlier in the week by thinking about when I was 12 years old and watching Star Trek non-stop. That show would always inspire me to write stories. Star Trek stories at first, but then it influenced me in other areas, and I realized that the scene structures, plotting, characterizations were great starting points for other types of stories. I would have never written a play that my high school produced had it not been for Star Trek’s inspiration. Even though the play sucks horribly, and I vomit whenever I try to go back and read it, at the time, I could slip into The Zone easily because I was inspired.

Now, my internal editor reigns supreme, and the work of writing has lost its fun. I think I’m smarter and cleverer than I actually am, and it hasn’t taken a string of ex-girlfriends telling me as much to get that. I need only look at the empty page staring me in the face. Too, I’m not funny. Just not. And when you’re writing a sitcom, it’s kinda important that you're funny.

So, I am curious to know how the rest of you find inspiration. Not necessarily to write, but to do anything that you need and want to do but just can’t get past that wall. What inspires you to go to the gym? Paint? Sing? Cook? Live? Yeah, I believe that life’s only great when we’re inspired to live it. Otherwise, you’re just going through the motions.


At 6/28/2006 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a. max bennett wasn't horrible.

b. you're actually smarter and cleverer (is that a word?) than you think you are - you only pretend to be one of the ego, it's easier than being confident.

get over it.

the end.


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