Awkward Phrasing

When random thoughts need to be written down in a manner that makes you have to read it more than once to understand what exactly is being said. Also known as poor writing.


Shift Into Neutrality.

So, with cronyism winning out on the House and Senate floors in the battle for net neutrality, maybe we should all prepare to go back to pre-Internet days. Yes, we might actually have to crack open books to learn something (no more Wikipedia), go over to our friends’ homes to watch their latest videos (instead of looking on YouTube), talk to people instead of IM, keep private journals instead of blogs, and earn the respect, trust and affection of another person to see them naked.

It will be like colonial times, sans scurvy and native attacks.

I declare that FX’s It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia is a funny show that you should be watching, if you like tremendously wrong, edgy comedy. If edgy ain’t your bag, then be comforted to know that Two and a Half Men will enter syndication come September.

I’ve scrapped plans for the bounty hunter script and the play. I like both of the subjects, but I don’t love them enough to want to do them. Now it comes down to really picking a story I want to tell with characters I love. Meaning, I either lift from an existing series – like a House script – or I conjure up something really awesome. I think we all know I’ll be writing a House spec very soon.


The 4th of July hath wrought a long weekend for us all. I’ll be off work Monday and Tuesday. Both nights, as well as next Friday, I will be at Dodger Stadium, watching the Dodgers take on the Diamondbacks the first two nights and then the Giants come Friday. I mean, that’s three pro ballgames in a 5-day span, a new record for me.

I love baseball and I’m thrilled, but I just got a call last night from Willie Mays, and he told me that my Giants License has been suspended indefinitely. I don’t know if this has happened to any of you. If it has, I’d like to know, generally, how long a fan license is suspended. Are there varying degrees of infraction? For instance, does attending three Yankees games in a 5-day span at Yankee Stadium and then rooting for the Yankees just get your Boston License revoked altogether and you lose a toe?

Am I going to be shot by a Giants fan at Dodger Stadium?


I’ll close this Friday with some music suggestions:

Guster’s new album is pretty great. My favorite track: Manifest Destiny.

Keane’s Is It Any Wonder, off their latest album, Under the Iron Sea.

Steady as She Goes by The Raconteurs is the only song of theirs I like. Same with Munich by The Editors.

And I’ve been working on cutting a music video to Franz Ferdinand’s Michael using footage from my Knight Rider DVDs.

- Happy 4th of July!


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