Awkward Phrasing

When random thoughts need to be written down in a manner that makes you have to read it more than once to understand what exactly is being said. Also known as poor writing.


Superman Returns.

I’ve been suffering from writer’s block ever since I wrapped the movie, particularly when it comes to the blogosphere. First and foremost, I try to write without whining or complaining about the world or unfair turns of luck as they pertain to me, but, naturally, it’s hard to do in a blog unless yours has a specific theme or purpose. Since mine has no purpose other than to provide the precious few who read this with an insight into my Aquarian mind, I have been unable to swerve from the griping. Nevertheless, welcome back.

The movie experience was great. I can finally say that I was working on the forthcoming Will Ferrell-Jon Heder movie, Blades of Glory. During the shoot, I wrote an episode of The Office for my portfolio, and revised another script I and a friend of mine hope to one day turn into a neat-o actual TV show. But since we’ve wrapped, and I’ve been unemployed, the writing has come to a screeching halt. Also, without a job, what is there, really, for me to talk about? I’ve settled on a couple of topics, so, we’ll see how this goes...

The last day of June marks my three-year anniversary living in Los Angeles. I have mixed feelings about the milestone, if only because I am a results-oriented guy (when it comes to me) and I don’t have much in the way of results to show for the move down here. Oh, sure, I’ve worked on a major motion picture, but where’s the scandal? Where’s the heart? Cuz, it’s all about heart.

In any case, it’s hard to see progress when I’m so far at the bottom of the ladder. But I find relief in two facts: I have a firm grasp of the bottom rung and I remain confident I can climb it. I’ve avoided (the first more successfully than the other), two important pitfalls I’ve observed around these parts: becoming sycophantic and sabotaging myself for concern of what others think.

I won’t be hitting the tanning salons or Abercrombie & Fitch for some new threads anytime soon, but, hey, broheims, rest assured that I’ll go Hollywood in my own special way one of these days. Unless… I have already. Oh my god… what will people think? What will they say?

My current living situation is pretty great, though. I’m practically stealing rent, I have a cast o’ crazy characters when it comes to my neighbors, and my roommates are fine. But I do pose a question to those reading this: why would a soon-to-be-married couple want to remain in a three-bedroom apartment with two single guys? For the life of me, I can’t understand that. And to compound this pending problem, the soon-to-be wife has begun, for lack of a better term, nesting. I’m not the cleanest guy by a long shot, but I live in an apartment with roommates with the full expectation that this place will not be as spotless as, say, my house. The soon-to-be-wife, on the other hand… well, that’s a different story. Again, nesting.

We have a chore chart that we have to sign up for (reasonable). But there’s a $30 penalty tacked on to the rent and bills if you don’t do your selected chore (unreasonable). Granted, we have the entire month to do our chores just once, but I do wonder where the $30 goes and I am a little resentful of the fact that I stay to myself and basically don’t use any other rooms but mine and my bathroom, but I am responsible for cleaning the kitchen or the living room. Eh, that’s really just griping. So, I go back to the nesting issue.


So, there you have it. I’m back and posting. It feels good to get back on the horse. I will admit to being a little rusty, but I’m sure I’ll be back to form soon enough. And, of course, by form I mean, awkwardly phrasing my ideas.


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