Awkward Phrasing

When random thoughts need to be written down in a manner that makes you have to read it more than once to understand what exactly is being said. Also known as poor writing.


Big Bird Hates Christians.

Two years from now you, the taxpayer, will in no way be paying for the Public Broadcasting System. Isn’t that awesome? Do you think you’ll get that money back? Hells no.

Why has the House voted to eradicate all funding from PBS? Simple. Because they’re fucking retarded. Seriously, the House of Representatives is run by the most mentally challenged and partisan-owned group of people this side of the NRA, Greenpeace and NAMBLA. How do I know they’re fucking retarded?

"The Republican-led House perceives a liberal bias from PBS." (see link above)

PERCEIVES?!?!? Are you making all of your decisions based on perception, government officials? Isn’t making laws and federally funding public entities based on perception just like thinking a baseball player is good because he looks great in a baseball uniform? Fuck the United States House of Representatives, you reactionary, feckless group of mouth-breathers.

In the Washington Post article from June 10th:

“But the Republican chairman of the House Appropriations subcommittee on labor, health and human services, and education asserted that the panel was simply making choices among various worthy government programs, and that no political message was intended.”

So, in this, the Information Age, where the United States of America leads the world in Information Technology – it’s our chief export, it’s what we’re the best at now – the Corporation for Public Broadcasting does not register as a high priority with these fucktards, but, instead, merely among many other “worthy” government programs?

Let me tell all four and a half of you reading this: the CPB is not a worthy government program, it is a necessary and vital government program. The public airwaves that we gave away to ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX and the CW have been swallowed up by single voices not intended to serve the public’s interests but the interests of private entities. PBS is the only swath of our air that broadcasts with public money for public interests. Airwaves are part of this country’s infrastructure. Refusing to fund the CPB is like refusing to fund our parks, highways and schools. Refusing to fund the CPB because of perception is just plain political and, therefore, retarded and, consequently, because it’s retarded, a perfect decision made by the U.S. House of Representatives.

Where’s Maxine Waters when you need her? This would be a great time for her to stand up and shout so incomprehensibly (because she’s passionate) that she spits and distorts the microphone. I mean, isn’t that what you do on the House floor? Demonstrate to your peers and the rest of the country that you never took a public speaking class, or if you did you graduated from the school of Hammy & Hackneyed?

Fuck the House.


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