Awkward Phrasing

When random thoughts need to be written down in a manner that makes you have to read it more than once to understand what exactly is being said. Also known as poor writing.


Something So Simple.

That little voice in the back of your head more often than not conveys common sense, or things your parents taught you or vague recollections of moral fables you read in grade school. That little voice in the back of your head is the thing that stands behind you before you do something incredibly stupid or incredibly selfish and says, "Maybe not?"

Perhaps that little voice in the back of your head is more forceful than mine. Perhaps that big voice in the front of your head is less bullish and stubborn than mine. Perhaps I am reaching here and my construct of that little voice in the back of your head is pure poppycock.

That said, I have never been the guy who thinks before he speaks or otherwise acts. More often than not such behavior has led to little else than being labeled a jerk or an ass, or at the very least crass, but insightful. On rare occasion, my shooting-off-at-the-mouthery has damaged relationships. Not just the meaningful ones, either, but professional ones, too.

Without going into specifics, let me just say put it out there that I am very, very sorry little voice in the back of my head. I'm sorry for all the times I've flatly rejected you, even though I knew you were right. I'm sorry for all the times I disregarded you out of sheer not-hearing-you.

I always say I will try to do better the next time you speak up, but who knows if that's even possible. I'm 25. It's a medically proven fact that people become set in their ways by the time they're 4, so, I could very well be stuck. Then again, as Homer Simpson once said, "Statistics can be used to make up anything. Fourteen percent of all people know that."

What's that, little voice in the back of my head? It was a bad idea to write this vague post?
