Awkward Phrasing

When random thoughts need to be written down in a manner that makes you have to read it more than once to understand what exactly is being said. Also known as poor writing.


The Most Esteem-Crushing News Ever.

Holy shite-balls.

Condoms for Indian males are too small. And this is news. The worst part? Newspapers in India have headlines such as "Indian Men Don't Measure Up."

I guess this is men's comeuppance for all the years of "Woman Nags Herself to Death," "You'll Never Be Pretty Enough," and "Face It Ladies: He's Just Not That Into Hindu" headlines from the past.

Seriously, this is devastating, especially for the younger guys. India's trying to control it's HIV infection rate, and separting the would-be carriers from their self-esteem is the exact wrong thing to have happen.

Two possible side effects from this news: (1) more HIV infections due to men being too prideful/ashamed to wear condoms or (2) people stop having sex. India's population is already in the eleventy billions, so, I doubt they'd see the effects of this for several thousand years, but, suffice it to say pride has led to the destruction of many things, one of which has been civilization.

**And, yes, I realize I got this in just under deadline. I have another coming very shortly.**

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