Awkward Phrasing

When random thoughts need to be written down in a manner that makes you have to read it more than once to understand what exactly is being said. Also known as poor writing.


Holy Crap!

Holy Crap!

How long has it been since I’ve updated this thing?


27 DAYS?!?!?! Twenty. Seven. Days. What the frak? This is my 50th Post, and it should’ve happened WEEKS ago!

Where have I been? What have I been doing? Why have I forsaken you, O Blog?
There’s a perfectly reasonable answer to all of these questions: malaise.

You see, there’s nothing churning in the old cranium. Oh, sure, my brain is regulating body functions and making decisions, but there’s been nothing significant crossing along the corpus callosum for a while now. And inspiration is the engine for my blogging.

Professional bloggers get up every morning and do it like it’s their job. I have never had that ability. Typically, whatever my job or primary focus is remains that way to the detriment of any secondary or tertiary matters. It’s why I’m a lackluster multi-tasker and all-around mediocre go-getter. My drive knows only one gear, and that’s whatever I’m doing at a particular moment. Somehow, writing has fallen off the priority list, or completely off my transmission, to continue the car/gear metaphor.

I like to post voluminously, but I’ve had nothing of late that I can fill up column space or bandwith with.

"Bandwith with." Nice.

Having said all that, I am finally starting to fall into a routine with my job and I’m beginning to dabble in my outside writing projects. This blog is finally going to get something new going up here.

So, here’s a promise to the half dozen of you who occasionally check to see what’s going on with the Murph: I’ll post every week day from now on.

The key to blogging, I’m told, is to write, write, write. If you update your page regularly, they will come. And, ultimately, I do want them (those out in the interwebs) to come a-lookin’ and see what’s cracka-lackin. So, from now on, every day. Even if it’s only 100 words.


This is gonna suck.


At 11/29/2006 7:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll believe it when I see it. ;)


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